5 Beginner-Friendly Photography Phone Tips
Improve your photography skills with these beginner-friendly phone tips on composition, camera settings, and more. Learn how to steady your shots, utilize cloudy days for soft lighting, and avoid overusing screen zoom for better-quality photos.
8 Beginner-Friendly Photography Tips When Venturing Out With Your Camera
Unlock the world of photography with 8 beginner-friendly tips for capturing stunning moments. We’ll cover things like keeping your gear ready and clean, focusing on your subject for impactful images, using stabilizing tools, embracing different perspectives and more.
Why Your Camera Changes Picture Colors
With a mind-boggling number of posts about weird colors in your photos, I provide a simple definition and photo tip to help ease your frustrations. If you’ve experienced your camera changing colors and making your photos look weird, I know how frustrating that is. The good news is that the solution is often as close as a simple camera adjustment.
ISO Photography Basics for Beginners
If you are delving into photography and have encountered the confusing term ISO, you're in the right place to understand ISO photography basics. Short for International Organization for Standardization, it may sound difficult, but understanding ISO for the beginner photographer is easier than you may think.