About Angie
Teacher for Beginner Photographers
A long time ago, or so it seems, the seven-year-old me received a "Snappy" camera from my Grandma. Grandma knew something I didn't, and thanks to her, a life-long passion was born.
There was rarely a time when my camera wasn't far away. I considered numerous subjects to be fair game, my stuffed animals, landscape, animals, nature, siblings, and years later, a usually willing family. My dad was the perfect co-adventurer with his simple film camera and me with mine.
Fast-forward to 2002. I'm feeling the exhilaration of finally owning my first "good" film camera. Soon, however, excitement gives way to apprehension, and this contrasting world of photography emerged. I stared in total confusion at the buttons and dials.
"Now what?" I thought, and "what's this?"
Shortly after, I found myself registered for a beginner workshop to photograph mountain wildflowers in Jasper National Park, hoping for answers. I had little interest in photographing flowers; however, I love the mountains, I love photography, I had questions and that was enough for me. I love learning, and many workshops followed over the years, with a variety of subjects, mostly nature and sports-based.
Later, I transitioned to the world of digital cameras, forever appreciative of the patience and experiences with using film. A 24-exposure roll of film was a treasure to savour; now, space for 24 images on a memory card is almost reason to break out in a sweat.
A few years after the "now what?" and "what's that?" emerged a passion for inspiring beginner photographers like you, and to help you overcome some of the frustrations I experienced along the way. On this website, you will realize photography can be easy and fun to learn and the technical language will not seem nearly as daunting.
I will do my best to remove the guesswork and confusion and be supportive as you enthusiastically embrace your new-found talents. You're smart! You're capable! You will confidently push buttons and turn dials as you learn how to take great photos.
Remember to celebrate as you bring out the photographer in you!